Record store: Landlocked Music

We buy records from all eras and genres. The value depends more on the specific records themselves.


Are you selective about purchasing 78 rpm records?

We are pretty selective when it comes to 78s, but we do buy them sometimes.

How does the process of selling my records work?

The best thing to do is bring your records to the shop. We can usually make you an offer on the spot, and it generally doesn't take very long.

Do I need to make an appointment to sell my records?

No appointment is needed. We buy records every day, so you can come in anytime that works for you.

What if you cannot evaluate my records immediately?

At worst, we might ask you to leave them for a day, but typically we can handle it while you wait or run a quick errand.


Jason Nickey
Landlocked Music
115 S. Walnut St.
Bloomington, IN 47404\

Last updated: 2024-05-29

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Stores near Landlocked Music

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Nearby Cities: Bloomington, Ellettsville, Spencer, Nashville, Oolitic, Martinsville, Bedford, Bloomfield, Worthington, Cordry Sweetwater Lakes

Contact the store

record store address: 115 S Walnut St, Bloomington, IN 47404, USA