Record store: Econo Jam Records

yes you can bring in your collection any time we are open from 12-6pm everyday of the week. If there is not enough time to do it at that moment we can take your phone number and let you know when we are done (usually that day or the next day). The records we are not interested in are classical music and show tunes. Hope that helps! Tom

Econo Jam Records 2443 Telegraph Ave Oakland, CA 94612 OPEN 12-6pm EVERY DAY 510.465.2559

Last updated: 2024-05-29

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Nearby Cities: Oakland, Emeryville, Piedmont, Alameda, Berkeley, Albany, Orinda, Kensington, El Cerrito, Moraga

Contact the store

record store address: 2443 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94612, USA