Record store: Enterprise Records

Enterprise Records has been around since '87, now in its 6th location within two blocks of the first one, with me at the helm the whole time. Through a number of permutations over the decades, it's now a one-man operation; just me, three days a week.


Do you buy records from individuals?

Yes, buying from individuals is a routine part of what I do, week in, week out. I very often make house calls to look at records on offer.

What type of records do you buy?

I'm strictly an LP guy—no 78s or 45s—and generally speaking, when people ask what kind of records I buy, my answer is always "anything good". I'm an absolute stickler for condition.

What condition must the records be in?

With rare exception, anything short of nearly like-new condition is of little or no interest. Condition is a critical factor in my purchasing decisions.

How can I arrange for you to see my collection?

If you feel it would be worth your while, we can set something up for me to come and meet with you, or you can bring in what you have during my business hours. No appointments are necessary.

What are your business hours?

I operate three days a week: Friday and Saturday from noon to 6 PM, and Sunday from 1 PM to 5 PM.

Last updated: 2024-05-29

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Stores near Enterprise Records

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Newbury ComicsPortland4 miles
Color Sound OblivionBiddeford14 miles
Deep Groove RecordsBrunswick23 miles

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Nearby Cities: Portland, South Portland, South Portland Gardens, Falmouth, Westbrook, Scarborough, Falmouth Foreside, West Scarborough, Gorham, South Windham

Contact the store

record store address: 4 Pine St, Portland, ME 04102, USA