Record store: 1709 Records


Do you buy records?

Yes, my shop is only vinyl! You can bring them any Wednesday or Thursday between 12-5 for me to look at.

Can I bring records on weekends?

If you can only come on weekends, you will just have to drop off the records for me to look at the following Wednesday.

What types of records do you buy?

I do buy records. My shop is only vinyl!

What are the store hours for record evaluation?

You can bring them any Wednesday or Thursday between 12-5 for me to look at.

What if I can't come during your regular hours?

If you can't come during the regular hours, you can drop off your records on weekends for me to look at the following Wednesday.

Last updated: 2024-06-12

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Stores near 1709 Records

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Nearby Cities: Vancouver, Minnehaha, Hazel Dell, Lake Shore, Walnut Grove, Barberton, Salmon Creek, Felida, Orchards, Five Corners

Contact the store

record store address: 1709 Broadway St, Vancouver, WA 98663, USA