Record store: 606 Records


Do you buy used records?

Yes, we're always looking for used LPs to add to our collection.

Are there any types of records you do not purchase?

We do not buy 78s.

What era of records are you interested in buying?

We typically look for records from the 1960s to the present.

What condition should the records be in?

The records need to be in playable condition. We evaluate each record to ensure they meet our quality standards.

What genres do you accept?

We accept most music genres, as we aim to cater to a wide variety of tastes and preferences.

When is the best time to bring in my records?

Feel free to drop in with your records during the week from Tuesday to Friday. We're here to assess and potentially purchase your collection.


606 Records 1808 S Allport St. Chicago, IL 312-585-6106

Last updated: 2024-05-29

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Nearby Cities: Chicago, Cicero, Oak Park, Stickney, Berwyn, Forest Park, River Forest, North Riverside, Riverside, Lyons

Contact the store

record store address: 1808 S Allport St, Chicago, IL 60608, USA