Record store: Roadrunner Records

we are always buying records! Looking for Rock, Jazz, Blues & Soul, 1960's to today. Condition is very important...the better they are, the more money they are worth. Not looking for records older than 1960's, no classical, showtunes or easy listening. You can bring them in any time during business hours (11-6 Mon-Sat or Sunday 12-5). It won't take long to look and make you an offer (15-20 minutes)


Last updated: 2024-05-29

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Stores near Roadrunner Records

Know Name RecordsMinneapolis2 miles
Fifth ElementMinneapolis3 miles
Hymie's RecordsMinneapolis4 miles
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Corduroy CarrotSaint Paul5 miles

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Nearby Cities: Richfield, Saint Louis Park, Edina, Minneapolis, Bloomington, Lauderdale, Golden Valley, Mendota Heights, Falcon Heights, Saint Anthony

Contact the store

record store address: 4534 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55419, USA