Record store: Grantski Records


What types of records do you sell at Grantski Records?

We sell a lot of used and new records, including a wide selection of genres such as Jazz, Rock, Pop, R&B, and Country.

Do you carry music from local artists?

Yes, we do have some local stuff as well. We try to support local artists by featuring their music in our store.

What can I expect when visiting Grantski Records?

You can expect a wide selection of all genres. We strive to cater to various musical tastes, so definitely come check us out!

What should I do if I'm looking for a specific genre or artist?

Feel free to ask us when you visit or reach out beforehand if you're looking for specific genres or artists. We are here to help you find what you need.

  • Evan Grantski, Owner of Grantski Records

Last updated: 2024-06-20

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Stores near Grantski Records

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Nearby Cities: Augusta, North Augusta, Martinez, Belvedere, Clearwater, Evans, Murphys Estates, Burnettown, Langley, Grovetown

Contact the store

record store address: 2126 Central Ave, Augusta, USA