Record store: Mobius Records


Where can I find more information about record buying and trade-ins?

Please visit our Record Buying & Trade-Ins section on our website - - you will find all the answers to your questions there.

When is the best time to bring in records for trade or sale?

You can bring the records in whenever you're able, we just ask you try not to bring them on Wednesday or Saturday. Wednesday is our inventory day and Saturday is our busiest day of the week.

Do you accept all types of records?

We don't take 78's and the 45's we do take are typically from modern artists.

What should I avoid when planning to bring records to your shop?

Please try not to bring records on Wednesday or Saturday, as Wednesday is our inventory day and Saturday is our busiest.

What types of 45's do you accept?

We typically accept 45's from modern artists.

We look forward to seeing you and helping you with your record buying and trade-in needs!

Mobius Records
10409 Main St. Suite D
Fairfax, VA 22030

Last updated: 2024-06-08

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Nearby Cities: Fairfax, Oakton, Mantua, Fairfax Station, Burke, Kings Park, Vienna, Merrifield, Ravensworth, Greenbriar

Contact the store

record store address: 10409 Main St D, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA