Record store: Easy Street Records & Cafe


Do you sell both new and used records?

Yes, we have both used and new records for sale, including a robust Jazz and Pop section.

Do you feature local bands in your store?

Absolutely! We are proud of local bands, past and present, and highlight them with displays around the store.

Can I call the store to find out what you have in stock?

Yes, you are welcome to call the store to get a better idea of what we have based on what you are searching for, closer to your visit.

Thanks! Nathan

Last updated: 2024-06-21

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Stores near Easy Street Records & Cafe

Light In The Attic Record ShopSeattle4 miles
Royal RecordsSeattle5 miles
Empire Roasters & RecordsSeattle5 miles
Wall of SoundSeattle5 miles
Lifelong Thrift StoreSeattle5 miles

Didn't find an answer to your questions? Use the contact form to ask us!

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Nearby Cities: White Center, Seattle, Boulevard Park, Southworth, Burien, Riverton, Manchester, Mercer Island, Bainbridge Island, Bryn Mawr-Skyway

Contact the store

record store address: 4559 California Ave SW, Seattle, United States