Record store: Disc & Dat

For more details or specific inquiries, feel free to give the store a call at 203.797.0067 and speak with Dennis or John. We can provide a comprehensive rundown of our services and offers.


How do you determine the value of the records?

The value of the records is determined primarily based on market value and condition.

What forms of payment do you offer for records?

We offer both store credit and cash for records. Store credit usually is more than the cash offer.

Are there any types of records you do not accept?

We generally do not accept big band and classical records as there isn't much demand for them.

Last updated: 2024-05-29

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Stores near Disc & Dat

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The Archive (Bridgeport)Bridgeport17 miles
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Nearby Cities: Bethel, Danbury, Newtown, Ridgefield, Georgetown, Peach Lake, Putnam Lake, Brewster Hill, Brewster, Heritage Village

Contact the store

record store address: 107 Greenwood Ave, Bethel, CT 06801, United States